The Sunday Brunch

Jack hosts a Sunday brunch to convince the Reverend Gilmore that the Bistro is a respectable establishment. He succeeds until the newlywed couple at the next table begin their honeymoon.
  • Episode Summary

    • When Jack's Bistro's liquor license is being revoked by the Reverend Gilmore, Jack discovers his restaurant was formerly a hooker's haven. Mr. Angelino's solution is for Jack to show the Reverend what a respectable place he's running by holding a Sunday Brunch. Everything appears holier than thou until two newlyweds arrive and begin their honeymoon beside the Reverend's table. Jack and the girls do their best to camouflage the couple, but when Furley and Larry's date both get soused on champagne, everything becomes a disaster. The Reverend is appalled. However, one of the Reverend's own saints, Mrs. Arlington, who donates her riches to the church, saves the day by recognizing Jack's hospitality.
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