Grandma Jack

Jack believes he has won a baking contest that is open only to women. Disguised as "Grandma Tripper," he goes to collect the check and learns that he is a finalist and must bake his cookies for the company's executives to win the prize.
  • Episode Summary

    • Unknown to Jack, Larry has entered Jack's cookie recipe in the Landers Baking Company contest. When Larry tells Jack he's won a $10,000 cash prize, the trio is ecstatic. Larry then explains the catch, the contest is open only to women, so they are expecting Grandma Tripper to pick up the check. After much debate, Jack finally decides to dress up like a grandma. The trio arrives at the baking company to discover "Grandma Tripper" is one of three finalists who must bake their cookies for the company's executives to judge a winner. After almost blowing his cover by flirting with a pretty finalist and being sabotaged by the other, Jack finally manages to win. However, when "Grandma Tripper" is crowned, Jack's wig accidentally falls off and the $10,000 check is promptly removed from Jack's possession.
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