Itching for Trouble

Jack meets an old flame at the park who is seeking advice about her jealous husband. Furley joins them, and they all get poison oak. Later, at Jack's house, Furley tells the husband they were all in the bushes together.
  • Episode Summary

    • A high school crush of Jack's, Robyn, moves to town and asks Jack to meet her at Will Rogers State Park. Jack is deflated to find out that Robyn is only seeking marital advice concerning her overly jealous husband, Francis, who was the bully of Jack's high school. When Jack hears a noise which he thinks is the jealous hulk, he pulls Robyn into the bushes with him. It turns out to be Furley, who, thinking they are bird watching, joins them. Later Robyn comes over to Jack's only to discover Francis is in the kitchen. Robyn hides, and Francis ends up inviting them all over to his place for a barbeque. It turns out that Robyn, Jack and Furley have gotten poison oak. Jack tries to hide his itch from the suspicious Francis, but Furley blows it by saying they were all in the bushes together. The girls save Jack's neck by pretending Jack is their lover and berating him. Francis and Robyn are happily reunited when Francis sees how silly the girls' jealousy is.
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