Lee Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother
Jack feels that he can't compete with his handsome and talented brother, Lee and becomes quite enraged when Lee decides to romance Chrissy.
Episode Summary
- Jack's perfect older brother is in town for a visit, and Jack is less than happy. Lee was always first in everything he has a great job, travels a lot and is handsome and sophisticated. When he arrives at the apartment he asks Chrissy to be his date at a dinner in his honor. Jack worries and when he opens the door and sees Lee and Chrissy kissing is even more depressed. Ralph tries to cheer him up but only succeeds in depressing himself. That night Lee invites Jack and Chrissy to dinner. Jack spills wine on himself and the desert on Lee but Chrissy tells him she'd rather be with Jack any day. Jack is real, Lee thinks only of himself.
Lee Tripper
John Getz
Albert Carrier