Ground Rules

Jack and Chrissy walk in while Janet is entertaining a date, fostering a new rule on privacy.
  • Episode Summary

    • A conflict over lack of privacy comes to a head after Janet brings home a boyfriend, and roommates Jack and Chrissy have to cool their heels at the Regle Beagle pub. Jack goes to the pub where the trio's landlord, Stanley Roper and his wife also are spending the evening, and makes a date with a beautiful girl, Veronica. Janet is furious when Jack and Chrissy choose an inopportune moment to barge into the apartment where she is entertaining her date, Alex. Later, Jack gets Janet and Chrissy to agree to an "unbreakable rule" on taking turns using the apartment privately. Jack soon regrets this rule when Veronica calls to change their date night.
  • Cast

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