The Bake Off
Chrissy accidentally eats the pie that Jack was entering in a statewide baking competition and then tries to substitute a ringer from the bakery.
Episode Summary
- Jack is chosen to represent his cooking school in a Bake Off. After much practice, he makes his entry, a chocolate mousse pie, and puts it in the refrigerator to await the contest that afternoon. Chrissy eats a slice, and, when she realizes what she's done, she and Janet get the Ropers to help substitute another mousse, bought from Hoffmeier's bakery, for Jack's bake-off. When they get to the Bake Off, they find out that Hoffneier is one of the judges, and will know his own mousse. Jack is told of the switch and he tries to disqualify himself. The Dean of the school, Mr. Travers, tries to stop him, and a mousse-throwing battle follows.
Mr. Travers
William Pierson
Mr. Hoffmeier
Leon Askin